Vocational Training for Adults with Special Needs
This site identifies the best vocational training programs for the disabled this year. Vocational training for the disabled offers a chance for employers to bring diversity into the workplace. People living with disabilities also need to know that there are specific laws which protect them.
www.vocationaltraininghq.comSEND Local Offer
We support children and young people (up to the age of 25) who have special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). We provide advice, information, and can carry out specialist assessments and give ongoing support where necessary. We provide some services ourselves, and arrange and fund other services.
0118 937 3641
www.reading.gov.ukWokingham Local Offer for 0-25 year olds with Additional Needs
For children and young people aged 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities and their families
www.wokingham.gov.ukWest Berkshire Directory
West Berkshire Directory – Your one-stop shop for help and support in West Berkshire.
www.directory.westberks.gov.ukGuide to Remodelling a Home for Adults with Special Needs
This guide offers comprehensive solutions for families who care for young adults with special needs.
www.bigrentz.com/how-to-guidesRenters Rights for People with Disabilities
Living independently is a goal for many young adults with disabilities. It’s an important part of having a fulfilling life, and the drive for freedom exists regardless of ability.
www.justgreatlawyers.com/renters-rightsTalkback Reading
Talkback in Reading focuses upon supporting and developing self advocacy, participation and involvement across the Borough. These groups empower people to raise issues and concerns about their lives, their services or their communities.
www.talkback-uk.comReading Mencap
We provide services for children and adults with learning disabilities and their parents and carers.
0118 966 2518
office@readingmencap.org.ukBerkshire Healthcare: Learning Disabilities (CTPLD)
Our team is made up of experienced healthcare professionals who will work together to give you a personalised care plan.
We also work in partnership with social workers and social service assessment officers to make sure you’re getting the best support possible.
01189 373742
Learning disabilities
Page published: 4 October 2024
Last updated: 4 October 2024