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New Patient Segmentation Tool

We’ve introduced a new tool called Patient Segmentation (PNGs) to better tailor care to your individual needs.

It is a tool that uses data to assess patients based on their health needs. It helps the practice understand how much support each patient might need to stay healthy.

For example:

  • Green Group: Patients with fewer health needs who might only need occasional care.
  • Amber Group: Patients with ongoing conditions who need regular check-ups and support.
  • Red Group: Patients with more complex health needs who may require extra care and coordination.

It’s not a medical test or diagnosis – just a way to help us organise care for everyone more effectively.

Why is this Important?

This approach ensures that care is personalised to your health needs, helping us prioritise and deliver the right care at the right time and with the right clinical person who is best placed to meet your needs (which is not always a Doctor).