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COPD review

COPD Assessment



How often do you cough?

How much phlegm do you feel you have on your chest?

How tight is your chest?

When do you get out of breath?

How much are you limited by your COPD when at home?

How confident do you feel leaving your home with your lung condition?

How well do you sleep?

How much energy do you have?

How out of breath do you get?

Breathlessness *

COPD Exacerbations

An exacerbation is where your breathlessness or cough got worse and you needed to take a rescue pack or seek medical attention (see – Managing COPD Flare-Ups for more information)

An exacerbation is where your breathlessness or cough got worse and you needed to take a rescue pack or seek medical attention (see – Managing COPD Flare-Ups for more information)

Smoking Status

What is your smoking status? *
How much do you smoke? *

Smoking leads to health problems such as cancer, heart disease, and strokes. The benefits of stopping smoking include: better health, more money, and cleaner air for those around you!

Do you want to stop smoking? Here is some advice on ways to quit smoking, local services and general tips: